Simple, Flexible Pricing

Monthly Yearly

Save 58% with yearly billing


99 per month Purchase your Plan

7 Days free trial. No Credit Card Required

999 per year Purchase your Plan

7 Days free trial. No Credit Card Required


999 per month Purchase your Plan

7 Days free trial. No Credit Card Required

4999 per year Purchase your Plan

7 Days free trial. No Credit Card Required

Core Features

Complete list of features available in LeedsApp

Features Lite Premium
Available Projects Unlimited
Manage your leads
Call reminders for timely followup
Categorise leads by their quality
Automatically saved in phone contact
Recover leads even after deletion
Create your own product/service
Lead insights for products/services
Manage leads by products/service
Transfer leads between products/service
Import leads from excel sheet
Connect leads from facebook/instagram ads
Get leads from your website/landing page form
Free informative website about the product/service
Effortlessly restore all the data (projects,leads) upon uninstalling and reinstalling the app

Questions & Answers

  • How are the pricing plans structured for billing?

    LeedsApp offers both monthly and yearly billing options. The yearly plan come with a 58% discount.
  • How much can I save with the 58% discount on yearly billing?

    By opting for a yearly billing cycle, You can Save upto Rs.7000 on the total cost compared to the monthly billing option.

  • How do I determine which plan is the best fit for my business?

    Choosing the right plan depends on your business needs and goals. Review the features of each plan and consider the scale of your lead management requirements to make an informed decision
  • Ready to get started with a pricing plan?

    Fantastic! Visit our Pricing page, select the plan that best suits your needs, and follow the prompts to embark on your journey with LeedsApp

Any questions? Get in Touch

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